This is the tenth Captain Kuro comic strip book in the series. In this book, Kuro - the cat from Mars which crashed on Earth, but here to save the world, is being maligned with untrue stories about her in the press and television. So Captain Kuro, her Men in Black freinds, and John, and his family, find where the media network center is behind it all. And not surprisingly Australian psychiatrist, Doctor Kutzbrain, is masterminding the whole thing. He is determined to carry out his quest to kill the world, so that a new one, one day, can be created to take its place. He of course works from the Mind Media Network, one of the biggest media corporations on the planet. Kuro and her freinds outsmart Dr. Kutzbrain, who also believes that imagination is the cause of all the world's ills, and that by drugging children and as many others he can, he can save the world.
The book is a tongue in cheek look at the world. It is perhaps not for mainstream media addicts or their kids. But for all the others, have a laugh, and enjoy the fun.