Streets named César Chávez have begun to spring up in most major cities in the United States. His image and his cry of "Uvas no!" have appeared on television news programs, bumper stickers, and in various other places in our popular consciousness. His struggle lives on as an inspiration for activists and nonviolent protestors, and his supporters seek to educate people about his ideals and his non-violent protests.
Now, his life story becomes available to a younger generation in César Chávez: A Struggle for Justice/César Chávez: La lucha por la justicia. Richard Griswold del Castillo's text follows the pioneering organizer from his childhood on a small farm in Yuma, Arizona where Chávez first encountered discrimination through the family's experience as migrant workers during the Great Depression. The text goes on to trace the growth of these seed experiences through Chávez' later life: in the Navy in World War II, his discovery of Mahatma Ghandi and his teachings, organizing the poor to vote during his tenure with the Community Service Organization, the founding of the United Farm Workers, and the award of the Medal of Freedom given by President Bill Clinton in Chávez' name after his death.